Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mea Culpa

Bad Blogger!  No followers!

I started this blog three years ago with the intent of documenting my projects.  Sadly, I'm terrible at documentation.  I really should be better at it.  I know how important it is to keep track of what you've done if only to keep from repeating your mistakes.  Unfortunately I'm one of those people who works on a project full-steam ahead sometimes without really thinking it through.  I don't want to stop (not even for meals) once I've found my momentum, and then I'm off to the next project occasionally without having finished the previous one.

What that means of course is that I have a bunch of half-finished projects sitting around collecting dust, and when I try to re-visit them I discover that I have no earthly idea what I was thinking when I was working on them originally.  Every now and then I find a scrap of paper with some cryptic doodle that I know was either a profound epiphany that occurred to me while at work or an attempt to solve a problem by drawing it out.  Unfortunately there being no organization in my workshop and no meaningful explanation on the scrap of paper their original value is mostly lost.

This changes now!

I will write something on this blog at least once a week.  If I can't come up with something pithy to say then it will probably be dry discussion of projects in progress or just my bench notes.  At least it will be something.

To say that I haven't been blogging as promised is not to imply that I've been idle.  I have in fact started and finished several projects since I created this account (started more than I've finished).  I'll try to make my first few posts a re-visit of past projects.  This will help me get into the habit of posting again, and since many of my projects have built on previous projects this should show how I've escalated from one disaster to the next (and how I've managed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again).

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